LSM980 troubleshooting

  • Switch off the Zen software
  • Switch off the multisocket
  • Switch on the multisocket
  • Start the Zen software
  • Check the lasers are activated
    • The laser key (below the microscope) must be turn toward “Laser”
  • Check the fluorescent lamp
    • Switch on the shutter of the fluorescent lamp, a blue light indicates it is ON
      • If there is no blue light or if the shutter doesn’t answer, restart the fluorescent lamp
        •  If the restart of the lamp doesn’t help, please contact a member of the imaging facility
  • On the touchpad, you have to check :
    • The filter configuration selected in “Reflector” (i.e. “GFP” must be highlighted)
    • The power of the excitation wavelength must be above 5%
    • The shutter “RL Illumination” must be on “On”
  • Check the black button right below the oculars
    •  It should be oriented toward the opened eyes
  • If the message appears during acquisition: This means that the laser has switched off to protect the detector in the event of overexposure. Restart the system and reduce laser power.

  • If the message appears during live or before acquisition: This means that the microscope head is not fully tilted forward. Check that the head is fully tilted.

  • Remove and clean the slide
  • Clean the objective
  • Add immersion medium on the objective (if oil objective)
  • Put it back on focus
  • The lines come from the bubbling system
    • Move away the bubbling system from the microscope 
  • The lines don’t come from the bubbling system
    •  There might be a scanner malfunction. Restart the microscope to solve it.
  • Readjust the position of the sample holder
  • Use the jaws to tighten the slide
  • Make sure the screen and the computer are on, and use the buttons at the back to select the input source of signal
  • Force the computer to shut it down (hold the button for few seconds), wait 10 seconds, and restart the computer.