
BD FACSAria Fusion upgrade

The BD FACSAriaTM Fusion was upgraded with two additionnal lasers (405nm and 561nm), a class II type A2 biosafety cabinet […]

Arrival of the slide scanner Axioscan 7-Zeiss

Installation : Middle of March 2022 / Start of user training : End of March 2022 Documentation :

New AFM tips !

Differents stfifness borosilicate spherical tips are now avalaible. Diametres : 2, 5 10 µm Stiffness : 0.1 N/m, 0,01 N/m

Nanozoomer (Hamamatsu) demo on Orion

The Orion Histology Facility welcomes the Nanozoomer, a slide scanner developped by Hamamatsu, from the 3rd of February till the […]

Axioscan (Zeiss) demo on Orion

The Orion Histology Facility welcomes the Axioscan, a slide scanner developped by Zeiss, from January 18 to January 22, 2021. […]


Dear all,you will find at the end of this link, the deconfinement plan of the Orion platform, for the week […]

Imaris Training

A one day Imaris Training will be proposed by Georgia Golfi from Bitplane in the College-de-France on monday the 11th […]

Subscription is the power

You don’t want to miss a slot of your favourite microscope ? E-A-S-Y ! Have you ever heard about subscription […]