Spinning Disk W1 NIKON troubleshooting
- Check on the NIS-Element software that “Eyepiece-EPI” is selected for the fluorescent marker, otherwise select “Eyepiece-DIA” for brightfield illumination.
- For the fluorescent marker, select a filter (“DAPI”: Blue; “GFP”: Green; “CY3”: Red) and check that the fluorescent lamp shutter is open.
- Go up the lenses by turning the wheel towards you.
- When the microscope is in focus, it beeps.
- Check on the software that « Spinning » is selected, to direct fluorescence towards the spinning head and camera
- Click on « LIVE »
- Click on « AUTOSCALE » in the live windows or adapt the dynamique in LUT’s windows
- Increase or decrease the exposure time and the power of laser
- 385 nm for blue fluorochrome
- 475 nm for green
- 550 nm for red
- 621 nm for far red
- Clean lenses with kimtech and ethanol. (in the case of the 20x, Q-tip and cleaning solution might be necessary)
- Check that the slide has been turned over and that the coverslip is in contact with the objective.
- And refocus
- In the software search bar, type :
- “Acquisition” : To display the acquisition window (Live, Eyepiece, Lenses, Time exposure… )
- “ND acquisition” : To set your acquisition parameters (Multi-Wavelength ; Z-stack ; Timelapse ; Multiposition… )
- “LUT’s” : To display the histogram of image dynamics
- Check in the first drawer next to a laboratory bench or next to the microscope
- Remove the holder and install it
- Check the ROI status : if it is ticked, a region of interest will be applied on the image. Ensure to untick it.
- Switch off the light of the room, or ensure you closed the black box in order to block any surrounding light to disturb your observation