STEDYCON demo at Orion until the end of October

Until the end of October, the Orion imaging staff is happy to welcome a STEDYCON on the facility.

The STEDYCON, developped by Abberior Instruments, is a device that provide STED capability to any kind of microscope equipped with a camera port.

As a reminder, STED is a super resolution microscopy technique, where a doughnut-shaped laser beam (aka depletion laser) locally switch off fluorescence excited by a conventionnal laser, except in the center of the doughnut, where the remaining fluorescence is detected by an avalanche photodiode (APD). Learn more here [1], [2]

The STEDYCON brought to the facility is equipped with :

  • 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 640nm pulsed laser line for fluorescence excitation
  • 775nm pulsed laser line for depletion of the fluorescence
  • 3 time-gated APD
  • A 2D STED resolution, typically 30nm

If you are interested, please contact to have a chat on your experiment design and to schedule a potential test !

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