New AFM tips !
Differents stfifness borosilicate spherical tips are now avalaible. Diametres : 2, 5 10 µm Stiffness : 0.1 N/m, 0,01 N/m
Dear all,you will find at the end of this link, the deconfinement plan of the Orion platform, for the week of May 11 Plan-de-Déconfinement_ORION_24062020Download See you soon
InviSPIM demo at Orion Imaging facility on July 9th and 10th
The CDF-CIRB imaging Facility Orion is glad to welcome Luxendo for a 2-days demo of the InviSPIM, on July 9th and 10th. The InviSPIM is a light-sheet microscope, able to…
Imaris Training
A one day Imaris Training will be proposed by Georgia Golfi from Bitplane in the College-de-France on monday the 11th of february 2019 This event is with a limited number…